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Project FAQs

Questions related to the Public Demonstration Garden will be posted and answered here as they are received. All questions will be posted anonymously. Please check back for new questions to be added and answered!

To ask a question, please utilize the question form at the bottom of the page. 

Last updated: Nov. 9th

Summary of Example Question 1 

Question: Here is where the more detailed version of the question will go. It may also be a copy and paste of an email that was received or a transcript from a phone call. All questions will be reworded in order to ensure anonymity. 


Answer: Here is the detailed answer that all site visitors will have access to!

Summary of Example Question 2 

Question: Here is where the more detailed version of the question will go. It may also be a copy and paste of an email that was received or a transcript from a phone call. All questions will be reworded in order to ensure anonymity. 


Answer: Here is the detailed answer that all site visitors will have access to!

Summary of Example Question 3 

Question: Here is where the more detailed version of the question will go. It may also be a copy and paste of an email that was received or a transcript from a phone call. All questions will be reworded in order to ensure anonymity. 


Answer: Here is the detailed answer that all site visitors will have access to!

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